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Popis časopisa iz područja meteorologije i srodnih područja čijim se cjelovitim tekstovima može pristupiti on-line u nekom vremenskom razdoblju (pretplata MZOŠ-a ili DHMZ-a)




Acta Adriatica - open access Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split 2004 do danas
Acta Geophysica Springer-Verlag GmbH 2006 do danas
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Elsevier 1997 do danas
Annales Geophysicae - open access Copernicus GmbH 1994 do danas
Atmosfera - open access Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1988 do danas
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions - open access Copernicus Publications 2001 do danas
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society American Meteorological Society 1970 do danas
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Oxford Pergamon Press 1997 do danas
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography Oxford Pergamon Press 1997 do danas
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Elsevier 1997 do danas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters Elsevier 1997 do danas
Earth-science Reviews Elsevier 1997 do danas
Fluid Dynamics Research North-Holland 1997 do danas
Geofisica Internacional - open access Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico 1997 do danas
Geofizika - open access Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute 1984 do danas
Geophysical Prospecting European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 1997 do danas
Global Atmosphere & Ocean System Taylor & Francis Ltd 2002 -2005
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation Wiley & Blackwell 1981 do danas
History of meteorology - open access International Commission on History of Meteorology 2004 do danas
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - open access European Geophysical Society 1997 do danas(12 mjeseci odgode)
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Internationla Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences 1999 do danas
International Journal of Wildland Fire CSIRO 2007 do danas
International Journal of Remote Sensing Taylor & Francis Ltd 1998 do danas (18 mjeseci odgode)
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology American Meteorological Society 1996 do danas
Journal of Atmospheric Science American Meteorological Society 1944 do danas
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Pergamon Press 1997 do danas
Journal of Climate American Meteorological Society 1989 do danas
Journal of Hydrology Elsevier 1997 do danas
Journal of Hydrometeorology American Meteorological Society 2000 do danas
Journal of Marine Systems Elsevier 1997 do danas
Journal of Physical Oceanography American Meteorological Society 2001 do danas
Mathematical & Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems Swets & Zeitlinger 1998 do danas(18 mjeseci odgode)
Meteorological Applications Wiley (do 2007.e Royal Meteorological Society) 2005 do danas
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics Springer 1997 do danas
Meteorologische Zeitschrift E. Schweizerbart science publishers 2005 do danas
Monthly Weather Review American Meteorological Society 1997 do danas
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - open access Copernicus Publications 2001 do danas
Nature Nature Publishing Group 1997 do danas
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics - open access Copernicus Publications 1994 do danas
Ocean Science - open access Copernicus Publications 2005 do danas
Ocean Science Discussions - open access Copernicus Publications 2004 do danas
Oceanologia - open access Polish Academy of Sciences 1998 do danas
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth Oxford Pergamon Press 1997-1998
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy Elsevier Science 1999 - 2001
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere Elsevier Science 1999 - 2001
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science Elsevier Science 1999 - 2001
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, PartsA,B,C Elsevier Science 2002 do danas
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors Elsevier 1997 do danas
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society in Oceanography Wiley 2005 do danas
Progress in Oceanography Oxford Pergamon Press 1997 do danas
Remote Sensing of Environment American Elsevier Pub. Co. 1997 do danas
Science American Association for the Advancement of Science 1997 - 2004
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Elsevier Applied Science 1997 do danas
SOLA: Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere - open access Meteorological Society of Japan 2005 do danas
Solar Energy Association for Applied Solar Energy 1997 do danas
Tellus A The International Meteorological Institute in Stocholm 1997 do danas
Tellus B The International Meteorological Institute in Stocholm 1997 do danas
Weather & Forecasting American Meteorological Society 1998 do danas
Weatherwise Heldref Publications 1990 do danas
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