Zanimljivi on-line časopisi:
Popis časopisa iz područja meteorologije i srodnih područja čijim se cjelovitim tekstovima može pristupiti on-line u nekom vremenskom razdoblju (pretplata MZOŠ-a ili DHMZ-a)
Časopis |
Izdavač |
Razdoblje |
Acta Adriatica - open access | Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split | 2004 do danas |
Acta Geophysica | Springer-Verlag GmbH | 2006 do danas |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Annales Geophysicae - open access | Copernicus GmbH | 1994 do danas |
Atmosfera - open access | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | 1988 do danas |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions - open access | Copernicus Publications | 2001 do danas |
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | American Meteorological Society | 1970 do danas |
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers | Oxford Pergamon Press | 1997 do danas |
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | Oxford Pergamon Press | 1997 do danas |
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Earth-science Reviews | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Fluid Dynamics Research | North-Holland | 1997 do danas |
Geofisica Internacional - open access | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | 1997 do danas |
Geofizika - open access | Andrija Mohorovicic Geophysical Institute | 1984 do danas |
Geophysical Prospecting | European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | 1997 do danas |
Global Atmosphere & Ocean System | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 2002 -2005 |
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation | Wiley & Blackwell | 1981 do danas |
History of meteorology - open access | International Commission on History of Meteorology | 2004 do danas |
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences - open access | European Geophysical Society | 1997 do danas(12 mjeseci odgode) |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | Internationla Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences | 1999 do danas |
International Journal of Wildland Fire | CSIRO | 2007 do danas |
International Journal of Remote Sensing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 1998 do danas (18 mjeseci odgode) |
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology | American Meteorological Society | 1996 do danas |
Journal of Atmospheric Science | American Meteorological Society | 1944 do danas |
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics | Pergamon Press | 1997 do danas |
Journal of Climate | American Meteorological Society | 1989 do danas |
Journal of Hydrology | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Journal of Hydrometeorology | American Meteorological Society | 2000 do danas |
Journal of Marine Systems | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Journal of Physical Oceanography | American Meteorological Society | 2001 do danas |
Mathematical & Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | Swets & Zeitlinger | 1998 do danas(18 mjeseci odgode) |
Meteorological Applications | Wiley (do 2007.e Royal Meteorological Society) | 2005 do danas |
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics | Springer | 1997 do danas |
Meteorologische Zeitschrift | E. Schweizerbart science publishers | 2005 do danas |
Monthly Weather Review | American Meteorological Society | 1997 do danas |
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences - open access | Copernicus Publications | 2001 do danas |
Nature | Nature Publishing Group | 1997 do danas |
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics - open access | Copernicus Publications | 1994 do danas |
Ocean Science - open access | Copernicus Publications | 2005 do danas |
Ocean Science Discussions - open access | Copernicus Publications | 2004 do danas |
Oceanologia - open access | Polish Academy of Sciences | 1998 do danas |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth | Oxford Pergamon Press | 1997-1998 |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy | Elsevier Science | 1999 - 2001 |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere | Elsevier Science | 1999 - 2001 |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part C: Solar, Terrestrial & Planetary Science | Elsevier Science | 1999 - 2001 |
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, PartsA,B,C | Elsevier Science | 2002 do danas |
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors | Elsevier | 1997 do danas |
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society in Oceanography | Wiley | 2005 do danas |
Progress in Oceanography | Oxford Pergamon Press | 1997 do danas |
Remote Sensing of Environment | American Elsevier Pub. Co. | 1997 do danas |
Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 1997 - 2004 |
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | Elsevier Applied Science | 1997 do danas |
SOLA: Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere - open access | Meteorological Society of Japan | 2005 do danas |
Solar Energy | Association for Applied Solar Energy | 1997 do danas |
Tellus A | The International Meteorological Institute in Stocholm | 1997 do danas |
Tellus B | The International Meteorological Institute in Stocholm | 1997 do danas |
Weather & Forecasting | American Meteorological Society | 1998 do danas |
Weatherwise | Heldref Publications | 1990 do danas |