1 BERG, Alban Wozzeck : Oper in 3 Akten / Alban Berg. - [s.l.] : DeAgostini, 2006. -(Die OpernSammlung ; 51) 78 BERG woz
2 CAVE, Nick Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds [snimka koncerta] : The Road to God Knows Where - live at the Paradiso / Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. - [S. l.] : Mute Records, 2005. - 784.7 CAVEN nik
3 DONIZETTI, Gaetano Maria Stuarda / Gaetano Donizetti. - Milano : Intesa Sanpaolo, 2008. - 78 DONIZ mar
4 DURDEN-Smith, Jo The Rolling Stones - In the Park [dokumentarni film] / [redatelji i producenti Jo Durden-Smith, Leslie Woodhead]. - Zagreb : Net d.o.o. ; Split : Slobodna Dalmacija, 2006. - 78 DURDE the
5 JANAČEK, Leoš Das schlaue Fuechslein : Oper in 3 Akten / Leoš Janaček. - [s.l.] : DeAgostini, 2006. -(Die OpernSammlung ; 47) 78 JANAČ sch
6 KLEISER, Randal Briljantin = Grease : igrani film / [redatelj/ica] Randal Kleiser ; [gl.uloge] John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. - Zagreb : Blitz film i video distribucija, 2009. - 778.5 KLEIS bri
7 LEONCAVALLO, Ruggiero Pagliacci [selezione] / Ruggiero Leoncavallo. - Milano : RAI, Intesa SanPaolo, 2011. -(Najljepše opere) 78 LEONC pag
8 MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus Idomeneo : Oper in 3 Akten / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. - [s.l.] : DeAgostini, 2006. -(Die OpernSammlung ; 46) 78 MOZAR ido
9 MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus Le Nozze di Figaro : Opera buffa in quatro atti / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. - Milano : Intesa SanPaolo, 2006. - 78 MOZAR hoh
10 PARKER, Alan Pink Floyd - The Wall [DVD] / [directed by] Alan Parker ; [with bob Geldof as Pink] ; [film music produced by] Roger Waters, David Gilmour, James Guthrie. - [s.l.] : Tin Blue Ltd. / Kimbridge Music Inc : Sony Music Entertainment, 1999 78 PINK wal
11 PINK Floyd Uživo na Pompejima : [DVD] : [koncert] = Live at Pompeii : the Director’s Cut / [izvode] Pink Floyd ; [redatelj] Adrian Maben. - Zagreb : Continental film, 2006. - 78 PINK uži
12 STONE, Oliver The Doors : [igrani film] / redatelj Pliver Stone ; [glume Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Kyle Maclachlan...et.al.]. Želimo vam sretan Božić : [crtani film]. - Rijeka : Novi list...[etc.], 2004. - 778.5 STONE doo