Spine fragment of a two-column hymnal of a Pauline psalter, revealing a section of hymn Christe qui lux es et dies to the Compline in Lent (˝noctis tenebras detegis, lucisque lu[cis]...˝), and hymn Audi benigne Conditor to the Matins in Lent (˝exhibe remissionis gratiam. Multum / quidem peccavimus, sed parce confitentibus...˝). The medieval manuscript was copied by the Paulines in the 15th century, presumably in Lepoglava, and it was cut and pasted onto the book cover sometime after 1684 or in the first half of the 18th century at the latest.
Three other surviving parts of the same manuscript kept in the University Library, Budapest:
- http://fragmenta.zti.hu/en/psalterium-hymnarium-s-15-1-csonka-folio-budapest-egyetemi-konyvtar-inc-517-boritoja/
- http://fragmenta.zti.hu/en/psalterium-hymnarium-s-15-1-csonka-folio-budapest-egyetemi-konyvtar-inc-509-boritoja/
- http://fragmenta.zti.hu/en/psalterium-hymnarium-s-15-1-csonka-bifolio-budapest-egyetemi-konyvtar-inc-530-boritoja