1 CARVER, Raymond Hoćeš li molim te ušutjeti, molim te? / Raymond Carver ; prijevod Miloš Đurđević. - Zagreb : Lunapark, 1996. -(Biblioteka Novi medo ; knj. 2) 821.111-3 CARVE hoć
2 MIYABE, Miyuki All she was worth / Miyuki Miyabe ; translated by Alfred Birnbaum. - Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed in the US by Kodansha America, 1996. - 821,521 MIYAB all
3 SAKURAI, Ami Innocent world / Ami Sakurai / translated by Steven Clark. - New York : Vertical Inc., 1996. - 895.6 SAKUR inno
4 TSUSHIMA, Yuko The shooting gallery and other stories / Yuko Tsushima ; translated and compiled by Geraldine Harcourt. -second printing New York : New Direction Publishing, 1996. -(Pantheon modern writers) 895 TSUSH the