1 BATES FONG, Judy China dog and other tales from a Chinese laundry / Judy Fong Bates. -1st U.S. ed. - New York : Counterpoint, 2002. - 813 BATES chi
2 CHATTERJEE, Piya A time for tea [women, labor, and post/colonial politics on an Indian plantation] / Piya Chatterjee. - Durham, N.C. ; London : Duke University Press, 2002. - 613 CHATT a t
3 DAI, Sijie Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress / Dai Sijie ; translated by Ina Rilke. - London : Vintage, 2002, c2000. - 895.1 DAI bal
4 DAI, Sijie Balzac i kineska Mala Krojačica / Dai Sijie ; s francuskoga prevela Bosiljka Brlečić. - Zagreb : ABC naklada, 2002. - 840 DAI B
5 HEDAYA, Yael Housebroken [three novellas] / Yael Hedaya ; translaed by Dalya Bilu. - New York, Picador, 2002. - 892.4 HEDAY hou
6 IWASAKI, Mineko GEISHA, A Life / Mineko Iwasaki with Rande BRown. - New York London Toronto Sydney : Washington Square Press, 2002. - 821.521 IWASA gei
7 MARTIN, Ann M. A corner of the universe / Ann M. Martin. -1st ed. - New York : Scholastic Press, 2002. - 820 MARTI aco
8 MONKEY brain Monkey brain sushi [new tastes in Japanese fiction] / edited by Alfred Birnbaum. -1st ed. - Tokyo ; New York, Kodansha, 2002. - 895.6 MONKE mon
9 OBOLJELI konj : Oboljeli konj : pjesme razdoblja Tang : (izbor iz kineske poezije) / preveo s ruskoga Zdravko Malić ; [kaligrafija Iva Valentić]. - Zagreb : Filozofski fakultet : Sekcija za orijentalistiku Hrv. filološkog društva , 2002. -(Biblioteka Orientalica. Niz Prijevodi ; knj. 2) 89 OBOLJE
10 PORTUGUESE phrase Portuguese phrase book / [compiled by Lexus Ltd. with Ana de Sa´ Hughes and Mike Harland]. - London : Dorling Kindersley, 2002, c1997. -(Eyewitness travel guides) 030 PORTU por
11 QUING, Ai Ribnjak u zimu / Ai Qing ; s kineskoga preveo Branko Merlin ; [kaligrafija Iva Valentić]. - Zagreb : Sekcija za orijentalistiku Hrv. filološkog društva :Filozofski fakultet, 2002. -(Biblioteka Orientalica. Niz Prijevodi ; knj. 1) 89 AIQ R
12 ROGERS, Katharine M L. Frank Baum, creator of Oz [a biography] / Katharine M. Rogers. -1st ed. - New York : St. Martin’s Press,, 2002. - 820 ROGER l
13 Roy, Arundhati The algebra of infinite justice / Arundhati Roy with a foreword by John Berger. -[Rev. ed.]. - London : Penguin books, 2002. - 821.111(540)-31 ROY the
14 Roy, Arundhati The algebra of infinite justice / Arundhati Roy with a foreword by John Berger. -[Rev. ed.]. - London : Penguin books, 2002. - 821.111(540)-31 ROY the
15 SHIMODA, Todd The fourth treasure : [a novel] / Todd Shimoda ; art & calligraphy by L.J.C. Shimoda. -1st ed. - New York : : Nan A. Talese/Doubleday, , 2002. - 895.6 SHIMO fou
16 ŠEHANOVIĆ, Jusuf Informatika za ekonomiste / Jusuf Šehanović, Željko Hutinski, Miroslav Žugaj. - Pula : Sveučilište u Rijeci : Fakultet ekonomije i turizma dr. Mijo Mirković, 2002. - 004 ŠEHAN inf
17 ŠUM bambusa Šum bambusa / [priredili Sonja Višnjić i Predrag Žižović]. - Beograd : Odin, 2002. - 821.895.1 ŠUM
18 YE, Zhaoyan Nanjing 1937 : [a love story] / Ye Zhaoyan ; translated with an introduction by Michael Berry. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2002. -(Weatherhead books on Asia) 895.1 YE, Z nan