1 AUSTER, Paul Čovjek u tami / Paul Auster ; s engleskoga jezika preveo Marko Maras. - Zagreb : Novela media, 2008. - 821.111-3 AUSTER čov
3 CHINESE English Chinese English visual bilingual dictionary. - London, Dorling Kindersley, 2008. - 030.8 CHINE chi
4 DOSTOJEVSKI, Fedor Mihajlovič Kockar / Fjodor M. Dostojevski ; Prijevod: Zlatko Crnković. - Zagreb : Europapress holding, 2008. -(Biblioteka Jutarnjeg lista Lektira-klasici) 882 DOSTO koc
5 EMMERICH, Michael Read real Japanese fiction [short stories by contemporary writers] / edited by Michael Emmerich ; narrated by Reiko Matsunaga. -1st ed. - Tokyo ; New York : Kodansha International, 2008. - 895.6 READ rea
6 EWAN, Chris Vodič kroz Amsterdam za dobre lopove / Chris Ewan ; [prevela s engleskoga Martina Pranić]. -1. izd. - Zagreb : Algoritam, 2008. -(NAJbiblioteka : najbolje od Algoritma i Jutarnjeg lista ; knj. 74) 820-3 EVAN vod
7 FERRARIS, Zoe The Night of the Mi’raj / Zoë Ferraris. - London : Abacus, 2008. - 821.411.21 FERRAR nig
8 FITZGERALD, Francis Scott Neobična priča o Benjaminu Buttonu / F. Scott Fitzgerald ; s engleskoga preveo Andy Jelčić. - Zagreb : Algoritam, 2008. - 820 FIT N
9 GUO, Xiaolu, 1973 - 20 fragments of a ravenous youth / Xiaolu Guo. - London : Chatto & Windus, 2008. - 821.581.3 GUO 20
10 JIANG, Rong Wolf totem / Jiang Rong ; translated by Howard Goldblatt. - New York : Penguin Press, 2008. - 821.581 JIANG wol
11 JUNACI urbane bede Junaci urbane bede ; [urednik Nenad Novković, Milan Mijatović]. - Beograd : Udruženje građana Trablmejker, 2008 (Beograd : Beoprint). - 821.163 JUNAC
12 KIRINO, Natsuo, 1951 - Grotesque / Natsuo Kirino ; translated by Rebecca Copeland. -1st Vintage International ed. - New York, NY : Vintage International/Vintage Books, 2008. - 821.521 KIRIN gro
13 KLEIN, Naomi Doktrina šoka : uspon kapitalizma katastrofe / Naomi Klein ; s engleskoga preveo Petar Vujačić. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2008. -(Biblioteka Posebna izdanja / V.B.Z.) 339 KLEIN dok
14 KOŠČEC, Marinko Centimetar od sreće / Marinko Koščec. - Zagreb : Profil International, 2008. -(Biblioteka Profil proza) 821.163.42-3 KOŠČE cen
15 LERMONTOV, Mihail Jur’evič Junak našeg doba / Mihail Jurjevič Ljermontov ; [prijevod Milan Bogdanović]. - Zagreb : Europapress holding, 2008. -(Biblioteka Jutarnjeg lista ; 1) 882 LER J
16 Lowe, Steve, 1971- Is it just me or is everything shit? : The Encyclopedia of modern Life / Steve Lowe, Alan McArthur. - Lonon : Sphere, 2008. - 820 LOWE, the
17 McCarthy, Carrie Style statement [live by your own design] / Carrie McCarthy & Danielle LaPorte, photographs by Gregory Crow. -1st ed. - New York ; London : Little, Brown and Co., 2008. - 159 MCCAR sty
18 MIN, Anchee Carica Orhideja / Anchee Min ; s engleskog prevela Duška Gerić Koren. - Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, 2008. -(Biblioteka Graham Greene) 821.558-31 MIN car
19 MITCHELL, David Atlas oblaka / David Mitchell ; s engleskoga preveo Saša Stančin. - Zagreb : Vuković & Runjić, 2008. - 821.111-31=163.42 MITCH atl
20 MURAKAMI, Haruki What I talk about when I talk about running [a memoir] / by Haruki Murakami ; translated from the Japanese by Philip Gabriel. -1st U.S. ed. - New York, NY, Alfred A. Knopf, 2008. - 821.521 MURAK wha
21 OGAWA, Yoko, 1962 - The diving pool [three novellas] / Yoko Ogawa ; translated by Stephen Snyder. -1st ed. - London : Harvill Secker, 2008. - 895.6 OGAWA the
22 Pettigrew, Jane Tea classified [a tealover’s companion] / Jane Pettigrew and Bruce Richardson. - London : National Trust, 2008. - 615 PETTI tea
23 POPOV VASILEV, Alek Psi u niskom letu / Alek Popov ; prevela s bugarskog Marija Joania Stojadinović. - Beograd : Geopoetika, 2008 (Beograd : Cigoja štampa). -Edicija Balkan ekspress 821.163.2-37 POPOV PSI
25 SKA´RMETA, Antonio The postman [a novel] / Antonio Ska´rmeta ; translated from the Spanish by Katherine Silver. - New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2008. - 860.3 SKARM pos
26 STANIŠIĆ, Saša How the soldier repairs the gramophone / Saša Stanišić ; translated from the German by Anthea Bell. -Ist ed. - New York : Grove Press, 2008. - 821.112.2 STANI how
27 TAKAGI, Nobuko Translucent tree / Nabuko Takagi ; translated by Deborah Iwabuchi. -1st ed. - New York : Vertical, 2008. - 895.6 TAKAG tra
28 VONNEGUT, Kurt Armageddon in retrospect / Kurt Vonnegut. - London : Vintage, 2008. -(Vintage Classics) 820 VONNE arm
29 VONNEGUT, Kurt Mother Night / Kurt Vonnegut. - London : Vintage, 2008 c1961. -(Vintage Classics) 820 VONNE mot
30 VONNEGUT, Kurt Slapstick or lonesome no more / Kurt Vonnegut. - London : Vintage, 2008, c1976. -(Vintage Classics) 820 VONNE sla