1 TURKULIN, Krunoslav Angina pektoris i infarkt srca : kako spriječiti i kako liječiti / Krunoslav Turkulin. -3. prošireno i prerađeno izd. - Krapina : Meditor, 1998. -(Fawcet Crest books) 616 TURKU A-3.izd.
2 Space MICHENER, James A. Space / James A. Michener. - New York : Random House, 1983. -(Fawcet Crest books) 8=20 MIC SP
3 Caravans MICHENER, James A. Caravans / James A. Michener. - New York : Ballantine books, 1982. -(Fawcet Crest Books) 8=111 MIC C
4 Captains and the Kings CALDWELL, Taylor Captains and the Kings / Taylor Caldwell. - Grenwich : Fawcett Publ., 1972. -(A Fawcett Crest book) 8=20 CAL.T C
5 Iberia : spanish Travels and Reflections MICHENER, James A. Iberia : spanish Travels and Reflections / James A. Michener ; photographs by Robert Vavra. - [New York?] : Fawcett Crest, 1968. -(A Fawcett Crest Book) 910.4=111 MIC I
6 The turrer room ARMSTRONG, Charlotte The turrer room / Charlotte Amstrong. - Grenwich : Fawett publications, 1965. -(A fawcett crest book) 8=20 ARM T
7 Earth is room enough : Science fiction Tales of Our Own Planet ASIMOV, Isaac Earth is room enough : Science fiction Tales of Our Own Planet / Isaac Asimov. - Grenwich : Fawcett publications Inc., 1957. -(A fawcet crest book) 8=20 ASI E