1 Three Boys and the Remarkable Cow AGLE, Nan Hayden Three Boys and the Remarkable Cow / Nan Hayden Agle, Ellen Wilson ; illustrated by Marian Honigman. - New York : Charles Scribners Soas, 1952. - 8=20 AGL T
2 Under the moon [Zvučna građa] AKINYEMI, Rowena Under the moon [Zvučna građa] / Rowena Akinyemi. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford bookworms. Stage 1) CD8=20 AKI U
3 Little women ALCOTT, Louisa May Little women / Louisa M. Alcott. - London : Penguin Books, 1994. -(Penguin Popular Classics) 8=20 ALC LI
4 Little women : or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy : parts I and II ALCOTT, Louisa May Little women : or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy : parts I and II / Louise May Alcott ; illustrated by Kevin McIntyre. - New York [etc.] : Collier Books [etc.], 1962. - 8=20 ALC LI
5 Action at Aquila ALLEN, Hervey Action at Aquila / Hervey Allen. - New York : Pocket Books, 1946. -(Pocket Books ; 370) 8=20 ALL.H A
6 In a pumpkin shell : a Mother Goose ABC ANGLUND, Joan Walsh In a pumpkin shell : a Mother Goose ABC / Joan Walsh Anglund. - London : Collins Clear-type Press, 1961. - M=111 ANG I
7 Not a penny more, not a penny less ARCHER, Jefrey Not a penny more, not a penny less / Jefrey Archer. - New York : Pocket books, 1987. -(Fiction pocket) 8=20 ARC N
8 The turrer room ARMSTRONG, Charlotte The turrer room / Charlotte Amstrong. - Grenwich : Fawett publications, 1965. -(A fawcett crest book) 8=20 ARM T
9 Earth is room enough : Science fiction Tales of Our Own Planet ASIMOV, Isaac Earth is room enough : Science fiction Tales of Our Own Planet / Isaac Asimov. - Grenwich : Fawcett publications Inc., 1957. -(A fawcet crest book) 8=20 ASI E
10 The Martian Way ASIMOV, Isaac The Martian Way / Isaac Asimov. - London : Panther, 1956. -(Panther books) 8=20 ASI M
11 The Embezzler AUCHINCLOSS, Louis The Embezzler / Louis Auchincloss. - Boston [etc.] : Houghton Mifflin Comp., 1966. - 8=20 AUC E
12 The indifferent children AUCHINCLOSS, Louis The indifferent children / Louis Auchincloss. - New York : The new american library, 1965. -(Signet book) 8=20 AUC I
13 The unholy three and other stories AUCHINCLOSS, Louis The unholy three and other stories / Louis Auchincloss. - New York : The New American Library, 1955. -(A signet book) 8=20 AUC U
14 Pride and prejudice [Zvučna građa] AUSTEN, Jane Pride and prejudice [Zvučna građa] / Jane Austen ; adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan ; illustrated by Giovanni Da Re. - Recanati : Eli, 2009. -(Young Adult Eli Readers. B1 ; Stage 3) CD8=20 AUST P
15 Cabal : the Nightbreed BARKER, Clive Cabal : the Nightbreed / Clive Barker. - London : Harper Collins Publishers, 1996. - 8=20 BAR C
16 Peter Pan BARRIE, James Matthew Peter Pan / J.M. Barrie ; retold by Richard B.A Brown ; illustrated by Elena Prette. - Recanati : Eli, 2009. -(Young Eli Readers. Stage 3) D=111 BARR P
17 Peter Pan [Zvučna knjiga] BARRIE, James Matthew Peter Pan [Zvučna knjiga] / J.M. Barrie ; retold by Richard B.A Brown ; illustrated by Elena Prette. - Recanati : Eli, cop. 2009. -(Young Eli Readers. Stage 3) AK-M/D=111 BARR P
18 BASSETT, Jennifer The Phantom of the Opera [Zvučna građa] / Jennifer Bassett. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford bookworms library. Fantasy & horror. Stage 1) CD8=20 BASS P
19 Mett Morocco Jones in the Case of the Syndicate Hoods BAYNESS, Jack Mett Morocco Jones in the Case of the Syndicate Hoods / Jack Bayness. - New York : Fawett publications, 1957. - 8=20 BAY M
20 Josh and the Woo Woo BEDFORD, David Josh and the Woo Woo / [written by] David Bedford ; [illustrated by] Daniel Howarth. - Lake Forest, USA : QEB Publishing, 2015. -(The great big storybook collection) M=111 BED J
21 The polar bear paddle BEDFORD, David The polar bear paddle / [written by] David Bedford ; [illustrated by] Karen Sapp. - Lake Forest, USA : QEB Publishing, 2015. -(The great big storybook collection) M=111 BED P
22 The Gas War of 1940 BELL, Neil The Gas War of 1940 / Neil Bell. - London : Collins, [s.a.]. - 8=20 BEL G
24 Saize the Day BELLOW, Saul Saize the Day / Saul Bellow. - New York : The Viking Press, 1961. -(Compass Books) 8=20 BELL S
25 My Ten Years in the Quandary and how they grew BENCHLEY, Robert My Ten Years in the Quandary and how they grew / Robert Benchley. - New York : Pocket Books, 1947. -(Pocket book ; sv. 449) 8=20 BEN M
26 The Stephen Vincent Benet Pocket Book. - BENET, Stephen Vincent The Stephen Vincent Benet Pocket Book. - New York : Pocket books, 1946. -(Pocket books ; 360) 8=20 BENE S
27 The old wives’ tale BENNETT, Arnold The old wives’ tale / Arnold Bennett. - London : J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1936. -(Everyman’s Library ; 919) Z8=111 BEN O
28 Hens don’t crow BENJAMIN, A.H. Hens don’t crow / [written by] A.H. Benjamin ; illustrated by Rebecca Elliott. - Lake Forest, USA : QEB Publishing, 2015. -(The great big storybook collection) M=111 BENJ H
29 The nearsighted giraffe BENJAMIN, A.H. The nearsighted giraffe / [written by] A.H. Benjamin ; [illustrated by] Gill McLean. - Lake Forest, USA : QEB Publishing, 2015. -(The great big storybook collection) M=111 BENJ N
30 The five and a half club BIANCO, Margery The five and a half club / Margery Bianco and Mabel O’Donnell. - New York [etc.] : Harper and Row, Publishers, 1957. -(The Alice and Jerry. Basic reading program) 8=20 BIA F