1 A - 62 za Bordeaux BELAS, Dubravka A - 62 za Bordeaux / Dubravka Belas. - Zagreb : Naklada MD, 1996. -(Biblioteka Quorum / Naklada MD, Zagreb ; knj. 62) 821.163.42 BELAS A
2 A * b * c BONNET, Rosalinde A * b * c / [illustrated by Rosalinde Bonnet ; designed by Laura Hammonds]. - London : Usborne Publishing, 2012. -(Usborne very first words) S=111 BON AB
3 A ’ko joj je kriv! : nasilje nad ženama u ratu i miru A ’ko joj A ’ko joj je kriv! : nasilje nad ženama u ratu i miru / [priče zapisala i obradila Sanja Sarnavka ; komentari Radmila Sučević]. - Zagreb : B.a.B.e., 2003. - 36 AKO
4 A B C Leksikon osnovnog znanja FILIPOVIĆ, Marijan A B C Leksikon osnovnog znanja / Marijan Filipović. - Zagreb : Vlastita naklada, 1961. - 03 FIL A
5 A basis for planing library odult education servises... - STUDYING the comunity A basis for planing library odult education servises... - [s.l.] : American Library Association, 1960. - B02 STUDY
6 A batons rompus : livresd’anecdotes destinees aux premieres lecon de francais 6.ed. - MAURER.Gagneblin, Marianne A batons rompus : livresd’anecdotes destinees aux premieres lecon de francais / Marianne Maurer. -6.ed. - Lausanne [etc.] : Librarie Payot, 1931. - Z8=133.1 MAUR B
7 A Be Ce Deutsch : Bilderbuch-Woerterbuch-Uebungsbuch TOMLJENOVIĆ-Biškupić, Ljerka A Be Ce Deutsch : Bilderbuch-Woerterbuch-Uebungsbuch / Ljerka Tomljenović-Biškupić ; Zeihnungen Ivan Vitez. - Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1992. - 811.112.2 TOM A
8 TOMLJENOVIĆ - Biškupić, Ljerka A Be Ce Deutsch : Bilderbuch-Worterbuch-Ubungsbuch- / Ljerka Tomljenović-Biškupić ; gezeichnet von Ivan Vitez. -2. erweiterte Aufl. - Zagreb : Školska knjiga : 1994. - 811.112.2 TOM A
9 A Bell for Adano HERSEY, John A Bell for Adano / John Hersey. - New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1969. - 8=111 HERS B
10 A bell for Adano HERSEY, John A bell for Adano / John Hersey. - New York : Bantam books, 1946. - 8=20 HERS B
11 A bilo je tako dobro počelo : odnosi među partnerima, u obitelji i zvanju ENGLISH, Fanita A bilo je tako dobro počelo : odnosi među partnerima, u obitelji i zvanju / Fanita English ; preveo Marijan Nežmah. - Zagreb : Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1988. -(Biblioteka Spectrum ; 9) 159.9 ENG A
12 ENGLISH, Fanita A bilo je tako dobro počelo...: odnosi među partnerima, u obitelji i zvanju / Fanita English ; preveo Marijan Nežmah. - Zagreb : Kršćanska sadašnjost, 1996. -(Biblioteka Spektrum ; sv. 9) 159.9 ENG A
13 GJONI, Svjetlana A bilo mi je --- / Svjetlana Gjoni. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2014. -(Biblioteka Ambrozija ; knj. 389) 821.163.42 GJO A
14 A biography of Kafka HAYMAN, Ronald A biography of Kafka / Ronald Hayman. - London : A Phoenix Giant, 1996. - 821.112.2(091)=111 KAF H
15 A birthday bonfire KRAILING, Tessa A birthday bonfire / Tessa Krailing ; [illustrations by Fred Apps]. - Cheltenham : Nelson Thornes Ltd, 2001. -(Wellington Square. Set A) S=111 KRA B
16 KOVACS, Jozsef A blues tortenete a kezdetektol napjainkig / Kovacs Jozsef. - Budapest : Kossuth Kiado, 2017. - 78(091)=511.141 KOV A
17 A book full of hope : in these words you will recognize yourself = Knjiga... VUČEMIL, Andrija A book full of hope : in these words you will recognize yourself = Knjiga puna nade : u ovim riječima ćeš se prepoznati / Andrija Vučemil ; translated from Croatian Slobodan Drenovac. - Rijeka : Riječki nakladni zavod, 2006. -(Biblioteka Posebna izdanja ; knj. 4) 8=111 VUČ B
18 A book of boys’ stories BATEMAN, Robert A book of boys’ stories / written by Robert Bateman and Nicholas Marat ; ilustrated by Pat Nevin. - London [etc.] : Hamlyn, 1979. - 8=111 BAT B
19 A book of A book of nonsense / Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll, etc. ; edited by Ernest Rhys ; introduction by Roger Lancelyn Green. - Dent : London ; Dutton : New York, 1967. -(Everyman’s Library) 8=111 ABO
20 A Born Coquette HUNGERFORD, Margaret Wolfe A Born Coquette / Margaret Wolfe Hungerford. - Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1891. -(Collection of british authors ; Vol 2699-2700) Z8=111 HUN B 1-2
21 JAMES, Marlon A brief history of seven killings / Marlon James. - London : Oneworld, 2015. - 8=111 JAM.M B
22 A brief history of the United States ESCHER, Franklin Jr. A brief history of the United States / Franklin Escher. - New York : Publ. by The New American Library, 1954. -(Signet Book ; 304) 94(7)=111 ESC B
23 CROOK, Marie A bugs life : level 3 / re-told by Marie Crook ; series editor Melanie Williams. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited ; [London?] : Penguin Books, 2012. -(Penguin kids. Level 3)(Disney ; Pixar) M=111 CRO B
24 ŠTIKS, Igor A castle in Romagna / Igor Štiks ; translated from the Croatian by Tomislav Kuzmanović and Russell Scott Valentino. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2013. -(The Best of Croatian literature ; no. 7) 8=111 ŠTI C
25 DIAMOND, Eugene F. A catholic guide to medical ethics : catholic principles in clinical practice / Eugene F. Diamond. - Palos Park : The Linacre Institute, 2001. - 614=111 DIA C
26 A Change of air HOPE Hawkins, Anthony A Change of air / Anthony Hope Hawkins. - Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1893. -(Collection of british authors ; 2933) Z8=111 HOP C
27 A charming liar : bilingual plays for young learners = Šarmantni lažljivac : dvojezični igrokazi... ANIĆ, Višnja A charming liar : bilingual plays for young learners = Šarmantni lažljivac : dvojezični igrokazi za osnovnoškolske učenike / Višnja Anić ; [ilustrator Dario Kukić]. - Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2003. - 811.111 ANI C
28 WU, Jingrong A Chinese-english Dictionary / [by Jingrong Wu (Author)]. - Beijing : [s.n.], 1978. - Č81=581=111 WU C
29 DICKENS, Charles A Christmas carol / Charles Dickens. - London : Penguin Random House, 2019. - 8=111 DIC C
30 WEINERSMITH, Kelly A city on Mars : can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through? / Kelly Weinersmith, Zach Weinersmith. - Dublin : Particular Books, 2023. - 008=111 WEI C