1 DEMOCRACY and new media DEMOCRACY and new media / edited by Henry Jenkins and David Thorburn ; associate editor Brad Seawell. - Cambridge [etc.] : The MIT Press, 2004. -(Media in transition) S004.7:321.7*1
2 DIE GESCHICHTE der Deutschen : von 1871 bis heute : CD-rom DIE GESCHICHTE der Deutschen : von 1871 bis heute : CD-rom / Spigel Online. - Muenchen : Digital Publishing, 2002. - S004.08*1
3 DIGITALNI abecedarij : audiovizualnih medija / priredio Nenad Puhovski ; prevoditelji Jasmin Redžepagić, Dario Sušanj i Ante Vukorepa. - Zagreb : Hrvatski filmski savez, 2008. -(Edicija Filmski priručnici) 004.4(03)*1
4 DIGITALNO doba : masovni mediji i digitalna kultura / uredila Nada Zgrabljić Rotar. - Zadar : Sveučilište u Zadru [etc.], 2011. -(Biblioteka Digitalno doba ; knj. 1) 004.9:316.77*1
5 Network propaganda : manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American politics BENKLER, Yochai Network propaganda : manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American politics / Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, Hal Roberts. - New York : Oxford university Press, 2018. - 32.019.5(73)BEN net
6 News : the politics of illusion 10th ed. - BENNETT, W. Lance News : the politics of illusion / W. Lance Bennett. -10th ed. - Chicago and London : The University of Chicago Press, 2016. - 007:32(73)BEN new
7 The logic of connective action : digital media and the personalization of contentious politics BENNETT, W. Lance The logic of connective action : digital media and the personalization of contentious politics / W. Lance Bennett, Alexandra Segerberg. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2014. -(Cambridge studies in contentious politics) 004:32BEN log
8 The political economy of digital monopolies : contradictions and alternatives to data commodification BILIĆ, Paško The political economy of digital monopolies : contradictions and alternatives to data commodification / Paško Bilić, Toni Prug, Mislav Žitko. - Bristol : Bristol University Press, 2021. - 004.738BIL p
9 How to produce creative publications : traditional techniques & computer applications BIVINS, Thomas How to produce creative publications : traditional techniques & computer applications / Thomas Bivins and William E. Ryan. - Lincolnwood : NTC Business Books, 1990. - S004*1
10 BROGI, Elda Media pluralism in the digital era : legal, economic, social, and political lessons learnt from Europe / edited by Elda Brogi, Iva Nenadić and Pier Luigi Parcu. - Abingdon ; New York : Routledge, 2025. - 316.77:004MED
11 Check the web : assessing the ethics and politics of policing the internet for extremist... BROWN, Ian Check the web : assessing the ethics and politics of policing the internet for extremist materijal / Ian Brown and Josh Cowls. - : VOX-Pol Network of Exellence, 2015. - 321.64:004BRO che
12 The mojo handbook : theory to praxis BURUM, Ivo The mojo handbook : theory to praxis / Ivo Burum. - New York and London : Rotledge, 2021. -(A Focal Press Book) 070.4:004(03)4BUR moj
13 CARR, Nicholas Plitko : što internet čini našem mozgu / Nicholas Carr ; s engleskoga preveo Ognjen Strpić. - Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2011. -(Biblioteka 42) 004.738.5:316.77*1
14 Google me : ono-click democracy CASSIN, Barbara Google me : ono-click democracy / Barbara Cassin ; translated by Michael Syrotinski. - New York : Fordham university Press, 2018. - 004.738:32CAS goo
15 Communication power CASTELLS, Manuel Communication power / Manuel Castells. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. - S004.946*1
16 Moć komunikacija CASTELLS, Manuel Moć komunikacija / Manuel Kastels ; preveli s engleskog Tijana R. Spasić, Đorđe Trajković. - Beograd : Clio, 2014. -(Multimedia / Clio) 004.946*1
17 The hybrid media system : politics and power CHADWICK, Andrew The hybrid media system : politics and power / Andrew Chadwick. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2013. -(Oxford studies in digital politics) S004:323(73)*2
18 The hybrid media system : politics and power 2nd ed. - CHADWICK, Andrew The hybrid media system : politics and power / Andrew Chadwick. -2nd ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2017. - 316.772CHA pra
19 Civic media : technology : design : practice CIVIC media Civic media : technology : design : practice / edited by Eric Gordon and Paul Mihailidis. - Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2016. - 316.772:32CIV
20 Combating violent extremism and radicalization in the digital era COMBATING violent Combating violent extremism and radicalization in the digital era / edited by Majeed Khader...(et al.). - Hershey : Information Science Reference, 2016. -Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies 004.738.5:327.84COM
21 Connecting democracy : online consultation and the flow of political communication CONNECTING democracy Connecting democracy : online consultation and the flow of political communication / edited by Stephen Coleman and Peter M. Shane. - Massachusets : The MIT Press, 2012. - 316.77:32CON
22 CRAWFORD, Kate Atlas of AI : power, politics, and the planetary costs of artificial intelligence / Kate Crawford. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2021. - 004.8CRA a
23 Digital politics : mobilization, engagement and participation DIGITAL politics Digital politics : mobilization, engagement and participation / edited by Karolina Koc-Michalska and Darren g. Lilleker. - London and New York : Routledge, 2019. - 004:32DIG
24 Digitalno doba : masovni mediji i digitalna kultura 2. dopunjeno i prerađeno izd. - DIGITALNO doba Digitalno doba : masovni mediji i digitalna kultura / uredila Nada Zgrabljić Rotar. -2. dopunjeno i prerađeno izd. - Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk : Fakultet hrvatskih studija ; Zadar : Sveučilište, 2020. -(Biblioteka Komunikologija = Fakultet hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ; sv. 6) 004.9:316.77 DIG-2020.
25 Dynamics of mediatization : institutional change and evryday transformations in a digital age DYNAMICS of Dynamics of mediatization : institutional change and evryday transformations in a digital age / edited by Oliver Driessens (et al.). - Cambridge, UK (Huddinge, Sweden : Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). - 004:3.07DYN
26 Digital media ethics ESS, Charles Digital media ethics / Charles Ess. - Malden : Polity Press, 2009. -(Digital media and society series) S004.8:17*1
27 Exploing the roots of digital and media literacy through personal narrative EXPLORING Exploing the roots of digital and media literacy through personal narrative / eited by Renee Hobbs. - Philaelphia ; Rome ; Tokyo : Temple University Press, 2016. -(Mass Media and Communication / Cultural studies / Education) 316.774:8EXP
28 Viral hate : containing its spread on the internet FOXMAN, Abraham H. Viral hate : containing its spread on the internet / Abraham H. Foyman and Christopher Wolf. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - S004.738.5:34*1
29 Media ecologies : materijalist energies in art and technoculture FULLER, Matthew Media ecologies : materijalist energies in art and technoculture / Matthew Fuller. - Cambridge [etc.] : The MIT Press, 2007. - S004.9:316.77*1
30 Tweeting to power : the social media revolution in American politics GAINOUS, Jason Tweeting to power : the social media revolution in American politics / Jason Gainous, Kevin M. Wagner. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University Press, 2014. -(Oxford studies in digital politics) S004:323(73)*1