1 BUERGERLICHE Oekonomie im modernen Kapitalismus BUERGERLICHE Oekonomie im modernen Kapitalismus / Hrsg. von Herbert Meissner. - Berlin : Dietz Verlag, 1967. - S330.1*30
2 CAPITALISM and democracy : Schumpeter revisited CAPITALISM and democracy : Schumpeter revisited / edited by Richard D. Coe and Charles K. Wilber. - Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame, 1985. - S330.8*17
3 DEVELOPMENT and underdevelopment : the political economy of global inequality 5th ed. - DEVELOPMENT and underdevelopment : the political economy of global inequality / edited by Mitchell A. Seligson, John T Passe-Smith. -5th ed. - London : Routledge, 2014. - S330.101*3
4 DEVELOPMENT, democracy, and the art of trespassing : essays in honor of Albert O. Hirschman DEVELOPMENT, democracy, and the art of trespassing : essays in honor of Albert O. Hirschman / edited by Alejandro Foxley, Michael S. McPherson, and Guillermo O’Donnell. - Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame, 1986. - S330.34*7
5 ENCYCLOPEDIA of political economy : vol 1 : A-K : vol 2 : L-Z ENCYCLOPEDIA of political economy : vol 1 : A-K : vol 2 : L-Z / edited by Phillip Anthony O’Hara. - London [etc.] : Routledge, 2001. - S330.1(03)*1/I,II
6 GRUNDFRAGEN der Oekonomie GRUNDFRAGEN der Oekonomie / die Autoren Klaus Juergen Boenkost, Armin Bohnet, Wilhelm Frenz [et al.]. - Bonn : Bundeszentrale fuer politische Bildung, 1989. - S330*89
7 HRVATSKI gospodarski razvoj HRVATSKI gospodarski razvoj / urednik i redaktor Ivo Družić ; Ivo Družić, Anđelko Akrap, Vinko Barić..[et al.]. - Zagreb : Ekonomski fakultet [etc.], 2003. -(Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu) 330.341*4
8 INDUSTRIEPOLITISCHE Strategien : Bundeslaender im Vergleich INDUSTRIEPOLITISCHE Strategien : Bundeslaender im Vergleich / Hrsg. Ulrich Juergens, Wolfrang Krumbein. - Berlin : Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin fuer Sozialforschung, 1991. -(Edition Sigma) S330.11(430)*1
9 JAHRBUCH fuer Neue Politische Oekonomie JAHRBUCH fuer Neue Politische Oekonomie / herausgegeben von Philipp Herder-Dorneich, Karl-Ernst Schenk, Dieter Schmidtchen. - Tuebingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1993. -(Neue Politische Oekonomie ; Bd. 12) S330.1*21
10 KAKO potaknuti razvoj na lokalnoj razini : priručnik s primjerima najbolje prakse iz Jugoistočne Europe.... KAKO potaknuti razvoj na lokalnoj razini : priručnik s primjerima najbolje prakse iz Jugoistočne Europe. - Zagreb : Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Ured u Zagrebu, 2005. - 330.34(497)*1
11 KEY concepts in international political economy KEY concepts in international political economy / edited by David A. Baldwin. - Aldershot [etc.] : Edward Elgar, 1993. -(Library of International Political Economy ; Vol. 5) S330.11*5/I-II
12 KEYNES economics : methodological issues KEYNES economics : methodological issues / edited by Tony Lawson and Hashem Pesaran. - Armonk [etc.] : M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1985. - S330.8*21
13 KOGNITIVNI kapitalizam : znanje i financije u postfordističkom razdoblju KOGNITIVNI kapitalizam : znanje i financije u postfordističkom razdoblju / uredio Carlo Vercellone ; preveo Srđan Rahelić ; stručna redaktura i pogovor Matko Meštrović. - Zagreb : Politička kultura, 2007. -(Biblioteka Minerva) 330.342.14*15
14 KONSUM und Nachfrage KONSUM und Nachfrage / hergestelt von Monika und Erich Streissler. - Koeln : Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1966. -(Neue Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek) S330.567*1
15 LATIN America and the rising South : changing world, changing priorities LATIN America and the rising South : changing world, changing priorities / Augusto de la Torre [et al.]. - Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group, 2015. -(World Bank Latin American and Caribbean Studies) S330(8)*1
16 MODERN political economy : old topics, new directions MODERN political economy : old topics, new directions / edited by Jeffrey S. Banks, Eric A. Hanushek. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press, 1995. - S330.1*22
17 POLITICAL economy in western democracies POLITICAL economy in western democracies / edited by Norman J. Vig and Steven E. Schier. - New York [etc.] : Holmes & Meier Publishers [etc.], 1985. - S330.101*2
18 POLITICS in the era of corporatism and planning POLITICS in the era of corporatism and planning / edited by Heikki Paloheimo. - Tampere : The Finnish Political Science Association, 1984. - S330*93
19 POLITIČKA ekonomija kapitalizma POLITIČKA ekonomija kapitalizma / Ivan Vrančić. - Zagreb : Informator, 1987. -(Udžbenici informatora) 330.342.14*5
20 POVERTY and development in Latin America : public policies and development pathways POVERTY and development in Latin America : public policies and development pathways / edited by Henry Veltmeyer and Darcy Tetreault. - Sterling : Kumarian Press, 2012. -(Latin American Studies) 330.34(8)*1
21 PRILOZI za povijest ekonomske misli na tlu Jugoslavije od 15-20. stoljeća PRILOZI za povijest ekonomske misli na tlu Jugoslavije od 15-20. stoljeća / redakcija Ivan Vrančić. - Zagreb : Informator, 1984. -(Ekonomska biblioteka. Kolo 17 ; br. 4-6) 330.8*16
22 PRIVATIZATION and development PRIVATIZATION and development / edited by Steve H. Hanke. - San Francisco : International center for economic growth [etc.], 1987. - S330.341*5
23 PRIVREDNA kretanja i ekonomska politika PRIVREDNA kretanja i ekonomska politika / odgovorni urednik Željko Rohatinski. - Zagreb : Narodna banka Hrvatske [etc.], 1995. - 330.1*32
24 PROPERTY rights and the limits of democracy PROPERTY rights and the limits of democracy / edited by Charles K. Rowley. - Aldershot [etc.] : Edward Elgar, 1993. -(John Locke Series in Classical Liberal Political Economy ; Vol. 2) S330.11*3
25 REFORM in Eastern Europe REFORM in Eastern Europe / Olivier Blanchard, Rudiger Dornbusch, Paul Krugman, [et al.]. - Cambridge [etc.] : The MIT Press, 1994. - S330.341*6
26 RESOURCE curse and post-Soviet Euroasia : oil, gas, and modernization RESOURCE curse and post-Soviet Euroasia : oil, gas, and modernization / edited by Vladimir Gel’man and Otar Marganiya. - Lanham [etc.] : Lexington Books, 2010. - S330.15(470)*1
27 SOZIALPHILOSOPHISCHE Grundlagen oekonomischen Handelns SOZIALPHILOSOPHISCHE Grundlagen oekonomischen Handelns / herausgegeben von Bernd Biervert, Klaus Held und Josef Wieland. - Frankfurt am Main : Suhrkamp, 1992. -(Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft ; 870) S330.8*16
28 STRATEGIC choice and path-dependency in post-socialism : institutional dynamics in the transformation process STRATEGIC choice and path-dependency in post-socialism : institutional dynamics in the transformation process / editors Jerzy Hausner, Bob Jessop, Klaus Nielsen. - Aldershot : Edward Elgar, 1995. - S330.1*24
29 SUSTAV nacionalnih računa : 1993 SUSTAV nacionalnih računa : 1993 / [urednik Jasna Crkvenčić-Bojić ; poglavlja preveli Dunja Vražić-Stejskal..[et al.]. - Zagreb : Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske, 1997. - 330.5*1
30 THE CAPITALIST mode of power : critical engagements with power theory of value THE CAPITALIST mode of power : critical engagements with power theory of value / edited by Tim Di Muzio. - London [etc.] : Routledge, 2014. -(Studies in global political economy) S330.14.01*1