1 Little Women [3rd impression]. - ALCOTT, Louisa May Little Women / Louisa May Alcott ; retold by John Escott ; illustrated by Martin Cottam. -[3rd impression]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. -(Oxford Bookworms Library : Human Interest ; stage 4) 821.111 ALC l
2 School by a volcano/.Gwynneth Ashby Ashby, Gwynneth School by a volcano/.Gwynneth Ashby Longman, 1994. - 821.111 ASH s
3 Sense and Sensibility/ Jane Austen AUSTEN, Jane Sense and Sensibility/ Jane Austen Punguin Popular Classics, 1994. - 821.111 AUS s
4 BLACKMORE, R.D. Lorna Doone / R.D. Blackmore ; retold by David Penn ; illustrated by Jenny Bidgood. -[2nd ed.]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000. -(Oxford Bookworms Library : Human Interest ; stage 4) 821.111 BLA l
5 Wuthering heights/ Jane Austen BRONTE, Emily Wuthering heights/ Jane Austen Punguin Popular Classics, 1994. - 821.111 BRO w
6 Mystery in London/Helen Brooke Brooke,Helen Mystery in London/Helen Brooke Oxford bookworms, 2000. - 821.111 BRO m
8 Acids and alkalis BYRNE,Dave Acids and alkalis / Dave Byrne and Mike Wheeler. - Longman, 1994. - 821.111 BYR a
9 Kitchen utensils BYRNE,Dave Kitchen utensils / Dave Byrne and Mike Wheeler. - Longman, 1994. - 821.111 BYR k
11 Alice’s Adventures in wonderland CARROLL, Lewis Alice’s Adventures in wonderland / Lewis Carol. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001. -(Oxford bookworms library ; 2) 821.111 CAR a
12 Bella’s secret garden /Anne Carter. - CARTER, Anne Bella’s secret garden /Anne Carter. - Sainsbury’s walker books, 1987. - 821.111 CAR b
13 Ruff leaves home /Anne Carter. - CARTER, Anne Ruff leaves home /Anne Carter. - Sainsbury’s walker books, 1987. - 821.111 CAR r
14 Scurry’s treasure /Anne Carter. - CARTER, Anne Scurry’s treasure /Anne Carter. - Sainsbury’s walker books, 1987. - 821.111 CAR s
15 A hat-trick off sports stories/Rob Childs Childs, Rob A hat-trick off sports stories/Rob Childs Longman, 1994. - 821.111 CHI a
16 The Last of the Mohicans : new method supplementary reader stage 4 COOPER, J. Fenimore The Last of the Mohicans : new method supplementary reader stage 4 / J. Fenimore Cooper ; illustrated by Drake Brokshaw . - London : Longman , 1970. (Hong Kong : The Hongkong printing press Ltd) 821.111 COO t
17 On the Edge CROSS, Gillian On the Edge / Gillian Cross. - Offord : Oxford University Press, 2003. -(Oxford Bookworms Library ; 3) 821.111 CRO O
18 Bj goes on holiday/ Stan Culimore CULLIMORE, Stan Bj goes on holiday/ Stan Culimore Longman, 1994. - 821.111 CUL b
19 The Witches/ Rumer Godden DAHL, Roald The Witches/ Rumer Godden Puffin books, 1983. - 821.111 DAH t
20 A ghost in love/Michael Dean Dean,Michael A ghost in love/Michael Dean Oxford bookworms, 1999. - 821.111 DEA a
21 Robinson Crusoe DEFOE, Daniel Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe. - London : Longmans, 1968. - 821.111 DEF r
23 Changes in the night/ Heather Eyles Eyles, Heather Changes in the night/ Heather Eyles Longman, 1994. - 821.111 EYL c
24 The Great Gatsby FITZGERALD, F.S. The Great Gatsby / F.S. Fitzgerald; retold by Margaret Tarner. - Oxford : Heinemann, 1979. -Heinemann guided Readers. Intermediate level 821.111 FIT g
25 Archibald Gribbet/ Adele Geras GERAS, Adele Archibald Gribbet/ Adele Geras Longman, 1994. - 821.111 GER a
26 Josephine and Pobble/Adele Geras Geras, Adele Josephine and Pobble/Adele Geras Longman, 1994. - 821.111 GER j
28 Stories from Shakespeare/Brian Heaton Heaton, Brian Stories from Shakespeare/Brian Heaton Longman, 1971. - 821.111 HEA s
29 Welcome to britain/Jimmie Hill Hill, Jimmie Welcome to britain/Jimmie Hill LTP, 1996. - 821.111 HIL w
30 The dolphin’s daughter/ Alma Alexandra Hromić Hromić, Alma Alexandra The dolphin’s daughter/ Alma Alexandra Hromić Longman, 1995. - 821.111 HRO t