1 DEAN, Zoey A - lista / Zoey Dean ; [prijevod Marina Gabelica]. - Zagreb : Naklada Grlica, 2005. -(Biblioteka Grlica) 820(73)-3 DEANZ ali
2 A [uguste] Renoir : život i djelo RENOIR, Auguste A [uguste] Renoir : život i djelo / [tekst] Janice Anderson ; [s engleskog prevela Božica Jakovlev]. - Zagreb : Mozaik knjiga, 1995. - 75:929 RENOI aug
3 A aguia do imperio SCARROW, Simon A aguia do imperio / Simon Acarrow. - Parede : Saida de Emergencia, 2005. - 820-3=690 SCARR agu
4 A Balatonberenyi Romai Katolikus Elemi Nepiskola tortenete VOROS, Jozsef A Balatonberenyi Romai Katolikus Elemi Nepiskola tortenete / Vörös Jozsef. - Kaposvar : Megyei es Varosi Könyvtar, 2003. -(A Somogyi honismeret Kiskönyvtara ; 1) 2=945.11 VOROS bal
5 STOLZ, Mary A ballad of the Civil War / Mary Stolz ; illustrated by Sergio Martinez. - New York : Harper Trophy, 1997. - 821.111(73)-3=111 STOLZ bal
6 A Be Ce Deutsch : Bilderbuch-Worterbuch-Ubungsbuch TOMLJENOVIĆ-Biškupić, Ljerka A Be Ce Deutsch : Bilderbuch-Worterbuch-Ubungsbuch / Ljerka Tomljenović-Biškupić. - Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1992. - 030.8=30d TOMLJE abe
7 SPARKS, Nicholas A bend in the road / Nicholas Sparks. The woman next door / Barbara Delinsky. Jackdaws / Ken Follett. Long time no see / Susan Isaacs. - Pleasantville [etc.] : The Rider’s Digest Association, Inc., 2002. -(Select Editions : selected and edited by Reader’s Digest ; vol. 2) 821.111(73)-3=111 SPARK ben
8 GJONI, Svjetlana A bilo mi je... / Svjetlana Gjoni. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2014. -(Biblioteka Ambrozija ; knj. 389) 821.163.42-3 GJONI abi
9 A bluebird for Sue BLANKENHORN, Rebecca A bluebird for Sue / by Rebecca Blankenhorn ; illustrated by Olivia Cole. - Columbus : McGraw-Hill, 2002. -(Open Court Reading. Level 1 ; Practice Book 77) S=20 BLANK blu
10 A brief history of Finland 3rd ed. - KLINGE, Matti A brief history of Finland / Matti Klinge. -3rd ed. - Helsinki : Otava Publishing Company Ltd., 2000. - 93/99=20 KLING bri
11 ŠTIKS, Igor A castle in Romagna / Igor Štiks ; translated from the Croatian by Tomislav Kuzmanović and Russell Scott Valentino. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2013. -(The Best of Croatian literature ; no. 7) 821.163.42-3=111 ŠTIKS cas
12 DICKENS, Charles A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Ian Miller. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford Bookworms Library. Classic ; stage 3) 821.111-3=111 DICKE chr
13 DICKENS, Charles A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Ian Miller. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford Bookworms Library. Classic ; stage 3) D=111 DICKE chr
14 MARTIN, George R. R. A clash of kings : book two of A song of ice and fire / George R. R. Martin. - London [etc.] : HarperVoyager, 2012. -(A Song of ice and fire ; 2) 821.111(73)-3=111 MARTI acl
15 CLIMATE for life A climate for life : meeting the global challenge / foreword by Harrison Ford and Edward O. Willson ; [autori tekstova] Russell A. Mittermeier, Michael Totten, Laura Ledwith Pennypacker [et. al.]. - [London?] : Cemex, 2011. - 502/504=111 CLIMA
16 A conversation on the Quai Voltaire LANGLEY, Lee A conversation on the Quai Voltaire / Lee Langley. - London : Vintage Books, 2007. - 820-3=20 LANGL aco
17 STANIĆ Rašin, Irena A da se to dogodi tebi / Irena Stanić Rašin, Latinka Basara. - Zagreb : Liliput, 2014. - 159.9d STANI ada
18 MARTIN, George R. R. A dance with dragon / George R. R. Martin. - London : HarperVoyager, 2012. - 821.111(73)-3=111 MARTI dan 1-2
19 FOLLETT, Ken A dangerous fortune / Ken Follett. - London : Pan Books, 2011. - 821.111-3=111 FOLLE dan
20 A day with baby TAYLOR, Di A day with baby / Di Taylor ; photograph by Arlene Adams. - London : Oxford University Press, 2017. -(Dolphin Readers. Starter Level) S=111 TAYLO day
21 KNAUSGAARD, Karl Ove A death in the family / Karl Ove Knausgaard ; translated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett. - London : Vintage Books, 2014. -(My struggle ; 1) 821.113.5-3=111 KNAUS dea
22 CURL, James Stevens A dictionary of architecture / James stevens Curl ; with line-drawing by the author and John Sambrook. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1999. -(Oxford Paperback Reference) 030.8:72=111 CURLJ dic
23 A dog named Christmas KINCAID, Greg A dog named Christmas / Greg Kincaid. - New York [etc.] : The Doubleday Publishing Group, 2008. - 820(73)-3=20 KINCA dog
24 CAMERON, Bruce A dog’s purpose : volume 177, february 2012 [Uvećani tisak] / by Bruce Cameron. Sweet misfortune / by Kevin Alan Milne. - Palm Coast : Reader’s Digest, 2012. -(Select Edition Large Type ; 1) SL821.111(73)-3=111 CAMER dog
25 A doll’s house and other plays IBSEN, Henrik A doll’s house and other plays / Henrik Ibsen ; translated by Peter Watts. - London : Penguin Books, 2003. -(Penguin Classics) 839-2=20 IBSEN dol
26 VICARY, Tim A Everest story / Tim Vicary. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford Bookworms Library. Factfiles ; stage 3) D=111 VICAR eve
27 NIXON, Joan Lowery A family apart / Joan Lowery Nixon. - New York : Laurel-Leaf Books, 1988. -(The Orphan Train Adventures) 820(73)-3=20 NIXON fam
28 HEMINGWAY, Ernest A farewell to arms / Ernest Hemingway ; illustrated by Richard Sparks. - Connecticut : The Easton Press, 2003. - 820(73)-3=20 HEMIN far
29 MARTIN, George R. R. A feast for crows : book four of A song of ice and fire / George R. R. Martin. - London [etc.] : HarperVoyager, 2011. -(A Song of ice and fire ; 4) 821.111(73)-3=111 MARTI afe
30 SIMIĆ, Roman A frame for the family lion : stories / Roman Simić. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2015. -(The best of Croatian literature ; no. 13) 821.163.42-3=111 SIMIĆ fra