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5 ŽUGAJ, Ranko Hidrologija / Ranko Žugaj. - Zagreb : Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet, 2000. -(Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu = Manualia Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis) 2357
6 BONACCI, Ognjen Ekohidrologija vodnih resursa i otvorenih vodotoka / Ognjen Bonacci. - Split : Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta, Zagreb : IGH d.d. [Institut građevinarstva Hrvatske], 2003. - 2611
7 HRELJA, Husno Inženjerska hidrologija / Husno Hrelja. - Sarajevo : Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2007. - 3041
8 Parametarska hidrologija JOVANOVIĆ, Slavoljub Parametarska hidrologija / Slavoljub Jovanović. - Beograd : Jugoslovensko društvo za hidrologiju, 1974. - Sep 255
9 SREBRENOVIĆ, Dionis Primijenjena hidrologija / Dionis Srebrenović. - Zagreb : Tehnička knjiga, 1986. - 4112
10 Applied uncertainty analysis for flood risk management / editors Keith [J.] Beven, Jim [W.] Hall. - London : Imperial College Press, 2014. - 3558
11 Applied wetlands science and technology 2nd ed. - Applied wetlands science and technology / edited by Donald M. Kent. -2nd ed. - Boca Raton : Lewis Publishers, cop. 2001. - 2754
12 Aquatic habitats in sustainable urban water management : science policy and practice / edited by Iwona Wagner, Jiri Marsalek and Pascal Breil. - Paris : UNESCO ; Leiden : Taylor & Francis, 2008. -(Urban water series - UNESCO-IHP, ISSN 1749-0790 ; 4) 3501
13 Berechnungen und Regelung des Durchflusses der FluesseTeil 2. - Berechnungen und Regelung des Durchflusses der FluesseTeil 2. - , 1980. 800 SPREM
14 Berechnungen und Regelung des Durchflusses der FluesseTeil 2. - Berechnungen und Regelung des Durchflusses der FluesseTeil 2. - , 1980 1072 SPREM
15 Comprehensive assessment of the freshwater resources of the world : assessment of water resources and water availability in the world / scientific leader and editor I. A. Shiklomanov. - Paris : WMO, [1997.]. - II 1576
16 Conceptual framework and planning guidelines for integrated coastal area and river basin management / [prepared by Harry Coccossis ... et al]. - Split : Priority Actions Programme, 1999. - II 1301
17 Discharge of selected rivers of Africa = Debit de certains cours d’eau d’Afrique. - Paris : UNESCO, 1995. -(Studies and reports in hydrology ; 52) II 1581
18 Discharge of selected rivers of the world = Debit de certains cours d’eau du monde = Caudal de algunos rios del mundo = Rashod’y vod’y izbrann’yh rek mira. - Paris : UNESCO, [197-]- . -(Studies and reports in hydrology ; 5) II 1282
19 Ecohydraulics : an integrated approach / edited by Ian Maddock ... [et al.]. - Chichester : John Wiley and Sons, 2013. - II 1351
20 Ecohydrology : processes, models and case studies / edited by David Harper, Maciej Zalewski and Nic Pacini. - Wallingford : CAB International, 2008. - II 1352
21 Ekoremediacije kanaliziranih vodotokov / avtorja Danijel Vrhovšek in Ana Vovk Korže ... [et al.]. - Ljubljana : Limnos ; Maribor : Filozofska fakulteta, Međunarodni center za ekoremediacije, 2008. - II 1088
22 Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences Encyclopedia of hydrological sciences / editor in chief Malcolm G. Anderson ; senior advisory editor Jeffrey J. McDonnell. - Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2005. - R 217
23 Encyclopedia of hydrology and water resources Encyclopedia of hydrology and water resources / edited by Reginald W. Herschy and Rhodes W. Fairbridge. - Dordrecht ; Boston ; London : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. -(Kluwer Academic encyclopedia of earth sciences series) R 222
24 Enviromental isotopes in the hydrological cycle : principles and applications / edited by W. [Willem] G. Mook. - Paris : UNESCO, 2000-2001. -(Technical documents in hydrology ; no. 39) II 1218
25 Evapotranspiration : principles and applications for water management / edited by Megh R. Goyal and Eric W. Harmsen. - Oakville : Apple Academic Press, 2014. - 3575
27 Floodplain modeling using HEC-RAS Floodplain modeling using HEC-RAS / Haestad Methods [Engineering Stuff], Gary Dyhouse, Jennifer Hatchett, Jeremy Benn. - Waterbury, CT USA : HAESTAD PRESS, cop. 2003. - II 745 (CD 55, CD 57)
28 Floodplains : interdisciplinary approaches / edited by Susan B. Marriott and Jan Alexander. - London : Geological Society, 1999. -(Geological society special publication ; no. 163) II 1622
29 Global perspectives on river conservation : science, policy and practice / edited by P. J. Boon, B. R. Davies, G. E. Petts. - New York : Wiley, 2002. - II 1621
30 Gravel-bed rivers : processes, tools, environments / edited by Michael Church, Pascale Biron, Andre Roy ; with associate editors Peter Ashmore ... [et al.]. - Chichester, West Sussex ; Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2012. - II 1382