1 A beginner’s guide to scientific method 4th ed. - Carey, Stephen S. A beginner’s guide to scientific method / Stephen S. Carey. -4th ed. - Sydney : Wadsworth/Cengage Learning, 2012. - SUSTAVI Car beg bgsm
2 A bit more on subs [100 years] KORBAR, Andrej A bit more on subs [100 years] / Andrej Korbar ; [translation Branko Ryšlavy]. - Zagreb, Laurana, 2009. - RAZNO Kor bit bms100y
3 A catalogue of disasters Gibson, Victor R., (author) A catalogue of disasters / Victor R. Gibson. - Aberdeen : Victor R. Gibson, 2015. - NAUTIKA Gib cat cd
4 A guide to the condition monitoring of machinery A guide A guide to the condition monitoring of machinery / prepared for the Dept. of Industry by Michael Neale and Associates (Consulting Engineers), Farnham, Surrey. - London : H.M. Stationery Off., 1979. - BS Nea gui gcmm
5 A history of the jewish people Ben-Sasson, H.H. A history of the jewish people / edited by H.H. Ben-Sasson. - Cambridge : Harvard university press, 1976. - RAZNO Ben his hjp
6 A pocket guide for cold water survival 4th ed., 2012 ed. - A pocket A pocket guide for cold water survival4th ed., 2012 ed. - London : International maritime organization, 2012. - NAUTIKA Imo poc
7 A pocket guide to recovery techniques. - 2014 ed., 2nd ed. - A pocket A pocket guide to recovery techniques. -2014 ed., 2nd ed. - London : International maritime organization, 2014. -IMO publication NAUTIKA Imo poc
8 A practical guide to database design. Rex Hogan 2nd ed. Hogan, Rex, (1944- ; author) A practical guide to database design. Rex Hogan2nd ed. Boca : Taylor and francis group LLC, 2018. INFORMATIKA Hog pra
9 A simulation instructor’s handbook Second edition CARSON-JACKSON, Jillian A simulation instructor’s handbook / Carson-Jackson JillianSecond edition London UK, The Nautical Institute, 2024. NAUTIKA Carson-Jackson sim
10 A speck on the sea [epic voyages in the most improbable vessels] Longyard, William H A speck on the sea [epic voyages in the most improbable vessels] / William H. Longyard. - Camden, Me. ; London : International Marine/McGraw-Hill, 2003. - RAZNO Lon spe ssevmiv
11 A tour through the whole Island of Great Britain aDefoe, Daniel, (1661?-1731) A tour through the whole Island of Great Britain / Daniel Defoe ; abridged and edited by P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens ; picture research by A.J. Coulson. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 1991. - RAZNO Def tou twigb
12 A tribology casebook : a lifetime in tribology SUMMERS-Smith, J.D. A tribology casebook : a lifetime in tribology / by J. Denis Summers-Smith. London : Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1997. FIZIKA Sum tri tclt
13 ABC’s of quantum mechanics RYDNIK, Vitalii˘ Isaakovich ABC’s of quantum mechanics / V. Rydnik ; translated from the Russian by George Yankovsky. - Moscow : MIR Publishers, 1978. - BS Ryd abc
14 Abiotički čimbenici ekosustava mora ĆOSO, Željko Abiotički čimbenici ekosustava mora Split : Ćoso Željko, 2016. SZR 68/16
15 Accounting costs costing and budgeting in some sectors of the production sphere Miermanova, S. T. Accounting costs costing and budgeting in some sectors of the production sphere / S.T. Miermanova, S.E. Metelev, A.S. Miermanova. - Kotor : Fakultet za pomorstvo, 2013. - EKONOMIJA Mie acc
16 aCode on alarms and indicators, 1995. - Code on aCode on alarms and indicators, 1995. - London : International Maritime Organization, 1996. - PRAVILA Imo cod cai1995
17 Adaptivni sistemi upravljanja 1. izd. - DRAGANOVIĆ, Ljubiša S. Adaptivni sistemi upravljanja / Ljubiša S. Draganović. -1. izd. - Sarajevo : Svjetlost, 1982. - SUSTAVI Dra sis asu
18 Admiralty charts. - Admiralty Admiralty charts. - Razl. pag. : ilustr., mape ; 30 cm. - NAUTIKA Adm adm
19 Admiralty distance tables : Indian ocean covering, NP 350(2). - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty distance tables : Indian ocean covering, NP 350(2). - Taunton : The United Kingdom hydrographic office, 1994. - PRAVILA Adm adm adtio
20 Admiralty distance tables [vol 1] : north and west coasts of Europe from Kara sea... 4th ed Admiralty distance Admiralty distance tables [vol 1] : north and west coasts of Europe from Kara sea to Cabo Finisterre [insluding The British islands, Iceland, Faroes and the Baltic wiht Arquipelago do Acores, Madeira, Islas Canrias, Arquipelago de Cabo verde and Gibraltar. -4th ed London : Hydrographic department under the authority of the lords commissiones of the admiralty, 1950. - NAUTIKA Hyd adm adt
21 Admiralty guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS, NP5012. - 2nd ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty guide to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS, NP5012. -2nd ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2015. - PRAVILA Adm gui NP5012
22 Admiralty guide to the practical use of ENCs 2nd ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty guide to the practical use of ENCs / British Admiralty. -2nd ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2016. - PRAVILA Adm NP231 agpuENC
23 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France 2015/16 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France / British Admiralty. -2015/16 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2015. - PRAVILA Adm np74volA llfsbincf
24 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France... 2016/17 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France from Dunkerque to the entrance to Goulet de Brest including North sea oil and gas production installations : NP74, vol. A / British Admiralty. -2016/17 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2016/2017. - PRAVILA Adm np74volA llfsbincf
25 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France... 2013/14 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : British isles and north coast of France from Dunkerque to the entrance to Goulet de Brest including North sea oil and gas production installations : NP74, vol. A / British Admiralty. -2013/14 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2013/2014. - PRAVILA Adm np74volA llfsbincf
26 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : Eastern Atlantic ocean, Western Indian ocean, Arabian... 2014/15 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : Eastern Atlantic ocean, Western Indian ocean, Arabian and Red seas / British Admiralty. -2014/15 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2014. - PRAVILA Adm np77volD llfseaowioars
27 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : North east Indian Ocean, South China and... 2014/15 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : North east Indian Ocean, South China and Eastern Archipelagic seas (North of the Equator) and Western parts of Philippine, East China and Yellow seas / British Admiralty. -2014/15 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2014. - PRAVILA Adm np79volF llfsneicsc...
28 Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : West mediterranean 2014/15 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of lights and fog signals : West mediterranean / British Admiralty. -2014/15 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2014. - PRAVILA Adm np78volE llfswm
29 Admiralty lisf of radio signals : global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) 2015/16 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of radio signals : global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) / British Admiralty. -2015/16 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2015/16. - PRAVILA Adm np285vol5 alrsgmdss
30 Admiralty lisf of radio signals : global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) 2016/17 ed. - ADMIRALTY, British Admiralty lisf of radio signals : global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) / British Admiralty. -2016/17 ed. - Taunton : United Kingdom Hydrgraphic office, 2016/17. - PRAVILA Adm np285vol5 alrsgmdss285(5)