1 1 Hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik / [autori Vladimir Anić ... et al.]. -A - Bez. - Zagreb : EPH [etc.], 2004. -
2 A Baroque Guitar weekend. - BAROQUE Guitar weekend A Baroque Guitar weekend. - Zagreb : Aquarius records, 2006. -(Weekend classics) CD785 BAROQ
3 A Beethoven piano weekend. - BEETHOVEN piano weekend A Beethoven piano weekend. - Zagreb : Aquarius records, 2005. -(Weekend classics) CD785 BEETH
4 GJONI, Svjetlana A bilo mi je --- / Svjetlana Gjoni. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2014. -(Biblioteka Ambrozija ; knj. 389) 821.163.42-32 GJONI abi
5 A Bluebird for Sue BLANKENHORN, Rebecca A Bluebird for Sue / by Rebecca Blankenhorn ; illustrated by Olivia Cole. - Columbus : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2002. -(Open Court Reading. Level 1 ; Practice Book ; 77) M=111 BLANK blu
6 A Brief History of Finland 3rd ed. - KLINGE, Matti A Brief History of Finland / Matti Klinge ; [translation David Mitchell, Timothy Binham]. -3rd ed. - Helsinki : Otava, 2000. - 94(4/9)=111 KLING abr
7 DEPECHE Mode A broken frame [Zvučna snimka] / all tracks written by Martin Gore ; [performed by] Depeche Mode. -Collectors ed. - [S. l.] : Mute Records, 2006. - CD785 DEPEC bro
8 A Bug’s Life A Bug’s Life / re-told by Marie Crook ; series editor Melanie Williams. - Edinburgh Gate, Harlow : Pearson Education, 2012. -(Disney & Pixar)(Penguin Kids. Level 3) D=111 BUGSL
9 ŠTIKS, Igor A castle in Romagna / Igor Štiks ; translated from the Croatian by Tomislav Kuzmanović and Russell Scott Valentino. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2013. -(The Best of Croatian literature ; no. 7) 821.163.42-31=111 ŠTIKS cas
10 PERIŠIĆ, Robert A cat at the end of the world / Robert Perišić ; translated by Vesna Marić. - Zagreb : Sandorf : Sandorf passage, 2022. - 821.163.42-31=111 PERIŠ aca
11 A Christmas album STREISAND, Barbra A Christmas album / Barbra Streisand. - Zagreb : Menart , 2004. - CD784.7 STREI chr
12 DICKENS, Charles A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Clare West ; illustrated by Ian Miller. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. -(Oxford Bookworms Library. Classics ; stage 3) 821.111-31=111 DICKE chr
13 DICKENS, Charles A Christmas Carol / Charles Dickens ; retold by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley. -4th ed. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2013. -(Illustrated Readers ; level 4) D=111 DICKE chr
14 A Christmas Carol [Zvučna snimka + Audio-video snimka] 4th ed. - DICKENS, Charles A Christmas Carol [Zvučna snimka + Audio-video snimka] / Charles Dickrens ; retold by Virginia Evans & Jenny Dooley. -4th ed. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2013. -(Illustrated Readers ; level 4) DVDD=111 DICKE chr
15 MARTIN, George R. R. A Clash of Kings : book two of A Song of Ice and Fire / George R. R. Martin. - London : Harper, 2012. - 821.111(73)-31=111 MARTI cla
16 A Clockwork orange BURGESS, Anthony A Clockwork orange / Anthony Burgess ; with an introduction by Blake Morrison. - London : Penguin books, 2000. -(Penguin classics) 821.111-31=111 BURGE clo
17 MAAS, Sarah Janet A Court of Silver Flames / Sarah J. Maas. - London : Bloomsbury, 2022. -(A Court of Thorns and Roses ; 5) 821.111(73)-31=111 MAASS cou
18 A Drava osszekot [szolgaltatas, hatekonysag, minoseg a Magyar es Horvat munkaero-piaci szervezetekben = Drava nas... A DRAVA A Drava osszekot [szolgaltatas, hatekonysag, minoseg a Magyar es Horvat munkaero-piaci szervezetekben = Drava nas povezuje : usluga, efikasnost i kvaliteta u organizacijama tržišta radne snage Mađarske i Hrvatske] / [keszitette, izradio Szello Janos, Martin Lavretic ; szerkesztette, uredio Szello Janos ; forditotta, prijevod Kres Endre (horvat), Pap Katalin (angol)]. - Somogy : Somogy Megyei Munkaugyi Kozpont = Zavod za zapošljavanje Županije Šomođ, 2006. (Kaposvar : Corvina Nyomda Nyomdaipari es Szolgaltato Kft). - 33 ADRAV
19 TREVISAN, Irena A father’s heart / [text by] Irena Trevisan ; [illustrations by] Enrico Lorenzi ; [translation by Natalie Danford]. - Schio : Sassi, 2020. - M=111 TREVI fat
20 SIMIĆ, Roman A Frame For The Family Lion : stories / Roman Simić ; [prevoditelji Celia Hawkesworth, Tomislav Kuzmanović]. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2015. -(The Best of Croatian literature ; no. 13) 821.163.42-32=111 SIMIĆ afr
21 A Franklin kezi lexikona : elso kotet. - FRANKLIN Kezi Lexikona A Franklin kezi lexikona : elso kotet. - Budapest : Tarsulat, 1911. - 03 FRA
22 POLANSKY, Paul A gdje je moj život? : pjesme o kosovskim Romima : 1999-2003. / Paul Polansky ; izabrao i preveo Vojo Šindolić. - Split : Kultura&Rasvjeta, 2004. - 821.111(73)-1 POLAN agd
23 PANN, Petra A gdje su nestale krijesnice : i ostale dvojbe jedne sofisticirane mačke / Petra Pann ; [ilustracije Boris Kugler]. - Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo književnika za djecu i mlade, 2019. -(Klub prvih pisaca) D PANNP agd
24 TREVISAN, Irena A grandmother’s heart / [text by] Irena Trevisan ; [illustrations by] Enrico Lorenzi ; [translation by SallyAnn DelVino]. - Schio : Sassi, 2022. - M=111 TREVI gra
25 A Gray, Rainy Day FERTIG, Dennis A Gray, Rainy Day / by Dennis Fertig ; illustrated by Kersti Frigell. - Columbus : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2002. -(Open Court Reading. Level 1 ; Practice Book ; 67) M=111 FERTI gra
26 DRAKULIĆ, Slavenka A guided tour through the museum of communism : fables from a Mouse, a Parrot, a Bear, a Cat, a Mole, a Pig, a Dog, and a Raven / Slavenka Drakulić. - Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2017. -(The Best of Croatian literature ; no. 15) 821.163.42-32=111 DRAKU gui
27 A gypsy legend BAJRAMOVIĆ, Šaban A gypsy legend / Šaban Bajramović. - Zagreb : Dancing bear, 2006. - CD78 BAJRA agy
28 A hero of our time Rev. ed. - LERMONTOV, Mikhail Yurievich A hero of our time / Mikhail Lermontov ; translated with an introduction and notes by Paul FooteRev. ed. - London [etc.] : Penguin Books, 2001(Penguin Classics) 821.161.1-31=111 LERMO her
29 A History of Britain [2nd ed.]. - BEDDALL, Fiona A History of Britain / Fiona Beddall ; series editors Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter ; [maps by Martin Sanders]. -[2nd ed.]. - Harlow : Pearson Education, 2008. -(Penguin Readers : level 3) 94(4/9)=111 BEDDA his
30 A History of Britain [zvučna knjiga] BEDDALL, Fiona A History of Britain [zvučna knjiga] / Fiona Beddall. - [S. l.] : Pearson Education, cop. 2008. -(Penguin Readers) CD94(4/9)=111 BEDDA his