Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije, Sveučilište u Splitu

The effect of some parameters on behaviour and bearing capacity of multy-drum stone columns under static load and earthquake : dissertation

Fakulteti, doktorske disertacije Vrsta gradje
The effect of some parameters on behaviour and bearing capacity of multy-drum stone columns under static load and earthquake : dissertation / Ante Buzov ; [supervisor Jure Radnić, co-supervisor Nikola Grgić]. -
Split : A. Buzov, 2019. -
Materijalni opis
1 sv. (razl. pag.) : ilustr. u bojama, graf. prikazi ; 30 cm. -
eng, hrv
Na vrhu nasl. str.: University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy. -
Abstract ; Sažetak: Utjecaj nekih parametara na ponašanje i graničnu nosivost višedijelnih kamenih stupova pri statičkom opterećenju i potresu. - Bibliografija na kraju uvodnog dijela i uz svaki prištampani rad.

Prištampano: 1.: Buzov, A., Radnić, J., Grgić, N., Baloević, G.: Effect of the drum height on the bearing capacity of composite multi-drum column under static load. Composites Part B: Engineering 148, 243-251 (2018).
2.: Buzov, A., Radnić, J., Grgić, N., Baloević, G.: Effect of the drum height on the seismic behaviour of a free-standing multi-drum column. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (2018).
3.: Buzov, A., Radnić, J., Grgić, N., Baloević, G.: Effect of the joint type on the bearing capacity of a multi-drum column under static load. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 12, 137-152 (2018).
4.: Buzov, A., Radnić, J., Grgić, N., Baloević, G.: Effect of the joint type on the seismic behaviour of a free-standing multi-drum column. Construction and Building Materials, revised manuscript submitted.
5.: Buzov, A., Radnić, J., Grgić, N.: Effects of several bolt parameters on the bearing capacity of a composite multi-drum stone column under an earthquake. Composites Part B: Engineering 162, 250-258 (2019).
DR 117
Doktorske disertacije
Fakultet građevinarstva, arhitekture i geodezije, Sveučilište u Splitu - Matice hrvatske 15, Split - Tel: 021 303 309